þriðjudagur, nóvember 23, 2004

Spurning um að hitta á rétta hillu?

Meg Rosoff sem vann Guardian Children's Fiction verðlaunin og er tilnefnd til Whitbread barnabókaverðlaunanna:

If I'd written my first novel 20 years ago, I'd still be trying to get it published today. It would have emerged tortured, humourless, and overlong; a thinly disguised autobiography attracting enough rejection to cause permanent psychological damage.

I wouldn't have learned brevity, lateral thinking, or the many practical applications of a distinctly flawed personality. I might never have learned that there are a million ways to skin a cat, or write a sex scene. Above all, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of not working in advertising - possibly the best thing about writing books.

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