föstudagur, september 10, 2004

It's in the Net!

Það er margt skemmtilegt um fótbolta á netinu, það sem ég skoða helst er


sublime football
sublime football.


En uppáhalds fótboltasíðan mín er the Guardian.


Þar var áður pistlahöfundur Ron Atkinsson sem var sagt upp vegna vafasams orðbrúks. Í staðinn fengu þeir rithöfundinn Gordon Strachan, sem í dag birtir áhugaverðan pistil sem veitir sjaldgæfa innsýn í hugarheim Svens og hinna landsliðsþjálfaranna og hvernig staða þeirra hefur breyst undanfarin ár. Hér er smá bútur:

"Then there's motivation. If I'm at a club paying somebody £50,000 a week, I can use any motivational tactic I want, whether it be rough, smooth or downright hellish, I can get them to play. But you can't do that at international level, because they're not there for the money. They will get more in an afternoon with their club than in the whole year for England.

If I'm an international manager, I can't be as rough with players: they're there because they want to be. People want managers to criticise players for a mistake but you cannot do that. You want to put these players back with their clubs feeling as good about themselves as they can. They don't need an international manager slaughtering them.

When I was playing for Scotland, I played in the days when you were paid £100 but the tax was £60. So I got £40 for playing in front of 50 or 60,000 people. One time I had guests coming; I had to pay for 10 tickets. It came to £220 for those. I got a bill for £180 when I was still in my dirty gear after getting beaten by the Republic of Ireland."

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